The art of sha...

Well now... i have been prompted to start this blog by someone telling me that the stuff i'd written was good.

I protested. But so did he.

SO i figure, that there must be something to having a little forum to rant out your thoughts and ideas... my own little corner of cyberspace in which i may be as completely ridiculous as i please. With absolutely no retribution. That pleases me.

I forgot how awesome Dave Gorman and his one-time writer/comedy/flatmate compadre Danny Wallace are at making me chuckle. Not laugh or giggle, but chuckle. From deep within me, happiness exudes when i read their stuff. It's funny cos it's true!

I have a couple of ideas for things which i still want to produce. One of which is an article called 'the art of sha!' which should really be a (slighly comical) look at Scottish music and Scottish bands who use a 'sha!' within their songs... i want to find out the history of it, how it works and all the ins and outs of sha (which sounds more like a sex self help book), and write all about my ridiculous findings. For what i dont know, but the outcome is less important than the process i think.

It started when my very good friend
Romana introduced me to 'Big Country' on a drunken escapade (as we're prone to having). When i realised that those who knew the songs we were listening to were all doing this 'sha' thing, i wanted to know more about it. I drunkenly fired a huge number of questions about 'sha' at them (to a great deal of comedy derision and laughter) and in my glorious inebriation i vowed there and then to find out all there was to know about it.

(in the syle of Waynes World) Sha will be mine. Oh yes. Sha will be mine.


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